Los Workshops son sesiones de trabajo organizadas para impartir conocimientos sobre temas de vanguardia a la comunidad investigadora. Estas actividades crean un entorno muy propicio que fomenta la creación de redes entre investigadores nacionales e internacionales. 

En estas sesiones de trabajo se presentan trabajos científicos y tutoriales teóricos y prácticos en áreas alineadas con los ejes temáticos de la conferencia. 

Este evento es el espacio ideal para discutir ideas, compartir experiencias y retos prácticos sobre las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación con profesionales, estudiantes y asistentes en general. 

Prepara y envía tu propuesta de Workshop hasta el 25 de Junio, y programa tu asistencia a TICEC 2023 en tu agenda del 18 al 20 de octubre en Cuenca, Ecuador. 




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Descarga y llena el Formulario para Workshops (*Sube tu propuesta en formato PDF).

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Wireless Hacking with Microcontrollers

This workshop will introduce participants to wireless hacking using microcontrollers, employing techniques such as: spectrum analysis, fake Access Point (AP), fake channel hopping AP, MAC flooding attack, DHCP starvation attack, and more, using MicroPython. During the tutorial, we will examine Wi-Fi vulnerabilities and work with Open-Source applications. Additionally, we will set up cost-effective Open-Source hardware and execute attack vectors using microcontrollers. 

Requirements to attend this workshop:  

  • Web Browser.
  • MicroPython. 
  • Mu y/o Thonny. 


Darío Valarezo León


Xavier Ochoa, Ph.D.

New York University


Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Hazards

The use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms is not new in education or in Learning Analytics. However, recent advances in generative models, such as massive language models (LLMs), have radically transformed the potential applications of these technologies. In this talk, we will explore the various ways in which generative models, whether in text, images or audio, can be used to create Learning Analytics tools that foster deliberate practice, reflection, self-regulation and creativity in both students and teachers. Likewise, we will also visit possible dystopias resulting from an inadequate application of these models in the educational field.

In this talk we will also evaluate technical (What is possible?), pedagogical (What is beneficial for learning?), and ethical (What is beneficial for the individual and society?) issues. While this talk will not provide definitive answers to these last two questions, it will offer guidelines that each individual can use to address them in his or her own research and teaching practice.

Carlos Alario, Ph.D.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


The University in an AI-driven World

In recent months there has been frenetic activity in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools. Especially due to recent developments in generative AI and the popularization of this term and specific tools in the media and social networks. These tools affect multiple sectors and higher education is definitely one of them.

Content generation, student support, assessment and certification of knowledgecompetencies, and also research in education are strongly impacted by these new tools. Universities must modify their structures and processes to cope with these new changes, without forgetting the adequate training of teaching staff and taking into account the ethical aspects related to the use of AI-based tools. This talk collects some of the most recent advances in this field, which is evolving at a great speed.