Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Sesión inaugural

María Augusta Hermida, PhD – Jorge Maldonado, PhD

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Conferencia Internacional

Analítica del Aprendizaje e Inteligencia Artificial: Oportunidades y Peligros

Expositor: Xavier Ochoa, PhD

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Conferencia Internacional

La Universidad en un mundo impulsado por la Inteligencia Artificial

Expositor: Carlos Alario, PhD



Sesiones paralelas

11h00 – 11h20

Exploring the Performance of Deep Learning in High-Energy Physics

  • José Ochoa

11h20 – 11h40

Big Data Architecture for Air Pollution Spatial Visualization: Quito, Ecuador

  • María Gabriela Mora

11h40 – 12h00

Uncovering the Effects of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Cryptocurrencies: A Data-driven Analysis with Clustering and Biplot Techniques

  • Isidro Amaro

12h00 – 12h20

The Role of Twitter in Media Coverage during Humanitarian Crises. Data mining from International News Agencies

  • Angel Torres

12h20 – 12h40

Applied Metaheuristics in International Trading: A Systematic Review

  • Fernando Lima

12h40 – 13h00

Augmenting Data with DCGANs to Improve Skin Lesions Classification

  • Claudia Moncada

11h00 – 11h20

Advanced metrics to evaluate autistic children’s attention and emotions from facial characteristics using a human-robot-game interface

  • Dennys Paillacho

11h20 – 11h40

Performance analysis of You Only Look Once, RetinaNet, and Single Shot Detector applied to vehicle detection and counting

  • Iván Buitrón

11h40 – 12h00

Hyperparameter Tuning in a Dual Channel U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation

  • Krishna Román

12h00 – 12h20

Tumor kidney segmentation from CT images using residual U-net architecture

  • Alejandro Delgado

12h20 – 12h40

Classification of Alzheimer disease’s Severity Using Support Vector Machine and Deep Feature Extraction of Convolutional Neural Networks: a Contrasting of Methodologies

  • Israel Reyes

12h40 – 13h00

Optimal location of the electric vehicle charging stands using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: Cuenca city as a case study

  • Rolando Armas

Wireless Hacking con Microcontroladores

  • Darío Valarezo – UIDE
  • Jessica Valencia – ISTDAB
  • Gabriela Mendieta – ISTS
  • Manuel Quiñonez – UTPL

Crear aplicaciones de Analíticas del Aprendizaje con Inteligencia Artificial – Parte 1

  • Xavier Ochoa



Sesiones paralelas

14h00 – 14h20

Finding an Integrated Ultraviolet Radiation Index Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques

  • Fernando Lima

14h20 – 14h40

Forecasting the Consumer Price Index of Ecuador using Classical and Advanced Time Series Models

  • Juan Riofrío

14h40 – 15h00

Unraveling the power of 4D residual blocks and transfer learning in violence detection

  • Mike Bermeo

15h00 – 15h20

Human Trafficking in Social Networks: A Review of Machine Learning Techniques

  • Silvana Escobar

15h20 – 15h40

Machine Learning Applied to the Analysis of Glacier Masses

  • Diego Morales

14h00 – 14h20

 A non-invasive portable solution to estimate hemoglobin levels in the blood

  • Maythe Mieles

14h20 – 14h40

Brainwaves communication system for people with reduced mobility and verbal impairment

  • Javier Rojas

14h40 – 15h00

Vitreous Hemorrhage Segmentation in Fundus Images by using an Efficient-UNet Network

  • Byron Zapata

15h00 – 15h20

Detecting Parkinson’s Disease with Convolutional Neural Networks: Voice Analysis and Deep Learning

  • Kevin Saltos

15h20 – 15h40

Mask R-CNN and YOLOv8 comparison to perform tomato maturity recognition task

  • Manuel Morocho

Detección dinámica de comunidades en redes sociales – Parte 1

  • Ramiro Saltos Atiencia – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Richard Weber – Universidad de Chile


Crear aplicaciones de Analíticas del Aprendizaje con Inteligencia Artificial – Parte 2

  • Xavier Ochoa



Sesiones paralelas

16h00 – 16h20

Profit vs Accuracy: Balancing the Impact on Users Introduced by Profit-Aware Recommender Systems

  • Juan Riofrío

16h20 – 16h40

Human actions recognition system based on Neural Networks

  • Rigoberto Fonseca

16h40 – 17h00

Forecasting PM2.5 concentrations in ambient air using a transformer based neural network

  • Jorge Charco

16h00 – 16h20

Creation of an alert device for early detection of epilepsy using an EEG signal power threshold

  • Karen Cáceres

Detección dinámica de comunidades en redes sociales – Parte 2

  • Ramiro Saltos Atiencia – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Richard Weber – Universidad de Chile



Noche Cultural

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Conferencia Internacional

Dando forma a un futuro conectado: Comprender el estado actual de las tecnologías 6G

Expositor: Johann Marquez, PhD

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Premiación Best Paper

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Conferencia Nacional

Adopción de IA en la Educación

Expositor: Lauro García, MSc



Sesiones paralelas

11h00 – 11h20

Diseño y construcción de un prototipo de estación de carga solar para dispositivos móviles

11h20 – 11h40

Comparación de metodologías para la predicción del caudal mediante los índices de teleconexión. Caso de estudio: Cuenca del río Paute

11h40 – 12h00

Análisis de la Calidad de las Asociaciones de Contaminantes y Variables Meteorológicas por Estacionalidad

  • Jorge Zambrano

12h00 – 12h20

Metodología para localizar la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical usando velocidad de viento

12h20 – 12h40

El modelo OSeMOSYS y la descarbonización a largo plazo del sector eléctrico en Galápagos

12h40 – 13h00

Diseño de un Software para Apoyar tareas de Mantenimiento de Equipos de Laboratorio Clínico

  • Alex Guamán

11h00 – 11h20

A Domain-Specific Language and Model-Based Engine for Implementing IoT Dash-board Web Applications

  • Lenin Erazo

11h20 – 11h40

Feasibility of using serious MIDI-AM videogames as resources in early childhood education

  • Lissenia Sornoza

11h40 – 12h00

Visualization Models Applied to Atmospheric Pollutants and Meteorological Variables: A Systematic Literature Review

  • Andres Patiño

12h00 – 12h20

Search and Visualization of Researcher Networks: Co-authorship in Ecuador

  • Lorena Recalde

12h20 – 12h40

Development of a distributed hydrological model of continuous generation, in a GIS environment

  • Santiago Quiñones

Investigación 4.0: tecnología digital para la difusión científica y gestión editorial

  • Carlos Ramos – PUCE
  • Janio Jadán – Universidad Indoamerica
  • Hugo Arias – Universidad Indoamerica


Desarrollo de recursos educativos abiertos inteligentes – Parte 1

  • Antonio Silva Sprock



Sesiones paralelas

14h00 – 14h20

Aplicación web para la estimulación de las habilidades auditivas en niños

14h20 – 14h40

Modelo de Visualización de Datos de Juegos Serios de Atención y Memoria Cognitiva

  • María Inés Acosta

14h40 – 15h00

Modelo Visual del Comercio Externo en Exportaciones Ecuatorianas

  • Marcos Orellana

15h00 – 15h20

Análisis de Clusterización en Datos de Encuestas sobre Ciberacoso

  • María Ines Acosta

15h20 – 15h40

Algoritmo para clasificar la resolución de conflictos en aspirantes

  • Juan Villota

Introducción al procesamiento en nube e inteligencia de maquina con Google Earth Engine

  • Adrian Rodriguez – EcoCiencia
  • Katherine Terán – EcoCiencia


Desarrollo de recursos educativos abiertos inteligentes – Parte 2

  • Antonio Silva Sprock



Sesiones paralelas

16h00 – 16h20

Generación de Texto Guía para la Detección Automatizada del Acoso y el Ciberacoso

  • Jorge Zambrano 

16h20 – 16h40

Síntesis Textual de Evaluación para Acoso y Ciberacoso

  • Marcos Orellana

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz – Virtual: Auditorio 1

Conferencia Internacional

Análisis de datos y procesos: Cómo ayuda a las empresas la minería de procesos

Expositor: Michael Arias, PhD

Teatro Carlos Cueva Tamariz -Virtual: Auditorio 1


Jorge Maldonado; PhD y Juan Pablo Carvallo, PhD

Supported by

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Wireless Hacking with Microcontrollers

This workshop will introduce participants to wireless hacking using microcontrollers, employing techniques such as: spectrum analysis, fake Access Point (AP), fake channel hopping AP, MAC flooding attack, DHCP starvation attack, and more, using MicroPython. During the tutorial, we will examine Wi-Fi vulnerabilities and work with Open-Source applications. Additionally, we will set up cost-effective Open-Source hardware and execute attack vectors using microcontrollers. 

Requirements to attend this workshop:  

  • Web Browser.
  • MicroPython. 
  • Mu y/o Thonny. 


Darío Valarezo León


Xavier Ochoa, Ph.D.

New York University


Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Hazards

The use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms is not new in education or in Learning Analytics. However, recent advances in generative models, such as massive language models (LLMs), have radically transformed the potential applications of these technologies. In this talk, we will explore the various ways in which generative models, whether in text, images or audio, can be used to create Learning Analytics tools that foster deliberate practice, reflection, self-regulation and creativity in both students and teachers. Likewise, we will also visit possible dystopias resulting from an inadequate application of these models in the educational field.

In this talk we will also evaluate technical (What is possible?), pedagogical (What is beneficial for learning?), and ethical (What is beneficial for the individual and society?) issues. While this talk will not provide definitive answers to these last two questions, it will offer guidelines that each individual can use to address them in his or her own research and teaching practice.

Carlos Alario, Ph.D.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


The University in an AI-driven World

In recent months there has been frenetic activity in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based tools. Especially due to recent developments in generative AI and the popularization of this term and specific tools in the media and social networks. These tools affect multiple sectors and higher education is definitely one of them.

Content generation, student support, assessment and certification of knowledgecompetencies, and also research in education are strongly impacted by these new tools. Universities must modify their structures and processes to cope with these new changes, without forgetting the adequate training of teaching staff and taking into account the ethical aspects related to the use of AI-based tools. This talk collects some of the most recent advances in this field, which is evolving at a great speed.